Altered Ego
In the animated heart of Steph's creative universe lies the Delirium collection. Born from wild nights and the raw vibes of urban life, this collection captures the chaos and intensity of those unforgettable moments.
"Altered Ego" is all about messing with your head in the best way possible. This piece takes you on a trip between reality and fantasy, dropping you into a dreamlike state.
With wild perspectives and abstract shapes, Steph creates a trippy, otherworldly vibe that pulls you into the crazy dance of the mind. Get ready to get lost and love every second of it.
*Sold unframed. Framing shown for decorative purposes only.
In the animated heart of Steph's creative universe lies the Delirium collection. Born from wild nights and the raw vibes of urban life, this collection captures the chaos and intensity of those unforgettable moments.
"Altered Ego" is all about messing with your head in the best way possible. This piece takes you on a trip between reality and fantasy, dropping you into a dreamlike state.
With wild perspectives and abstract shapes, Steph creates a trippy, otherworldly vibe that pulls you into the crazy dance of the mind. Get ready to get lost and love every second of it.
*Sold unframed. Framing shown for decorative purposes only.
In the animated heart of Steph's creative universe lies the Delirium collection. Born from wild nights and the raw vibes of urban life, this collection captures the chaos and intensity of those unforgettable moments.
"Altered Ego" is all about messing with your head in the best way possible. This piece takes you on a trip between reality and fantasy, dropping you into a dreamlike state.
With wild perspectives and abstract shapes, Steph creates a trippy, otherworldly vibe that pulls you into the crazy dance of the mind. Get ready to get lost and love every second of it.
*Sold unframed. Framing shown for decorative purposes only.
Originally created on Fabriano archive paper and ink watercolour and oil mediums.
This Limited-Edition giclee print is as close to the original art-work as it’s possible to get.
Number in the edition: 195
Your print comes to you with a 1.5” boarder in addition to the overall size you’ve selected, for ease of framing and displays the artist’s signature, the number within the edition and has an embossed artist’s stamp of authenticity on the bottom boarder. Professionally produced on 350gsm fine art grade, archive cotton paper, highly resistant to UV light and PH neutral, allowing you to display it for years.